RAD@ home citizen science discovery of an active galactic nucleus spewing a large unipolar radio bubble on to its merging companion galaxy

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dc.contributor.author Pal, Sabyasachi
dc.contributor.author Hota, Ananda
dc.contributor.author Dabhade, Pratik
dc.date.accessioned 2023-01-11T07:10:09Z
dc.date.available 2023-01-11T07:10:09Z
dc.date.issued 2022
dc.identifier.uri https://mcc-idr.l2c2academy.co.in/xmlui/handle/123456789/552
dc.description Journal Articles en_US
dc.description.abstract Active galactic nucleus (AGN) feedback during galaxy merger has been the most fa v oured model to explain black hole–galaxy co-e volution. Ho we ver, ho w the AGN-dri ven jet/wind/radiation is coupled with the gas of the merging galaxies, which leads to positive feedback, momentarily enhanced star formation, and subsequently negative feedback, a decline in star formation, is poorly understood. Only a few cases are known where the jet and companion galaxy interaction leads to minor off-axis distortions in the jets and enhanced star formation in the gas-rich minor companions. Here, we briefly report one extraordinary case, RAD12, disco v ered by RAD@home citizen science collaboratory, where for the first time a radio jet–driven bubble ( ∼137 kpc) is showing a symmetric reflection after hitting the incoming galaxy which is not a gas-rich minor but a gas-poor early-type galaxy in a major merger. Surprisingly, neither positive feedback nor any radio lobe on the counter jet side, if any, is detected. It is puzzling if RAD12 is a genuine one-sided jet or a case of radio lobe trapped, compressed and re-accelerated by shocks during the merger. This is the first imaging study of RAD12 presenting follow-up with the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope , archi v al MeerKAT radio data and Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope optical data. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society en_US
dc.subject galaxies en_US
dc.subject active-galaxies en_US
dc.subject evolution-galaxies en_US
dc.subject interactions en_US
dc.subject quasars en_US
dc.title RAD@ home citizen science discovery of an active galactic nucleus spewing a large unipolar radio bubble on to its merging companion galaxy en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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